Do you know who really wrote the fiction book you’re currently reading? Did you buy it because you like the author, or were familiar with the book series, or are a fan of a particular literary genre? Well, the publishing industry is studying you. And getting ready for much higher…
IBM has a long history in AI — machine learning (“ML”), deep learning (“DL”), neural networks (‘neural nets’), and open-source large language models (“LLMs”); I just used the word “history”, but don’t worry, this article isn’t a history lesson. AI is made by humans; it doesn’t occur naturally, which makes it ‘artificial’…
Get ready for the Star Wars puns… Move over, TIE Fighters — the battlefield has its own Rebel tech now. Germany’s Helsing has officially started production of the HX-2 kamikaze drone, a machine straight out of a Star Wars fever dream, designed to boost Ukraine’s military as it faces off against Russian…
What were you doing at 17? If you’re like most people, it probably wasn’t making $1.12 million a month. I was busy figuring out how to parallel park and deciding whether buying a BlackBerry was a good idea (spoiler: it wasn’t). Meanwhile, Zach Yadegari is quietly crushing it. He’s the…